The global maritime world has changed and four new White Papers by GMCG Global outline the realities and new ways of working following the COVID-19 pandemic.
As the world’s shipping industry comes to terms with the issues of post-pandemic operations, new health and safety operational parameters and the realities of the IMO’s global sulphur cap, there are still concerns about how the maritime world will cope with this accumulation of business pressures.
These White Papers by GCMG Global are freely available from the company’s website or can be downloaded from the individual links provided in this article.
The White Paper Working from Home in Shipping asks the maritime world if the concept of working from home really works in an industry with a global reach and a demand for people on the spot and onboard ships. GMCG ponders the idea of working from home and asks if it is a utopian concept or a new reality?
Download this White Paper: Working from home in shipping White Paper
The Charting a Course Post COVID-19 White Paper looks at how the maritime world is now starting to emerge from the lockdowns caused by the pandemic that has caused terminal damage to many industries. The White Paper looks at the post-pandemic issues and how the maritime sector will have to change to survive. As the shipping industry is vital to global economic recovery this is an extremely important issue and needs to be addressed now rather than later.
Download this White Paper: Charting a course post COVID-19 White Paper
The White Paper entitled The Role of The Designated Person Ashore is an examination of the key role the Designated Person Ashore (DPA) who has responsibility for the essential smooth running of an efficient and effective Safety Management onboard a vessel. This is a vital role in the new regulatory world of maritime shipping and the DPA can navigate through the myriad of maritime regulations to ensure vessels are operating safely and in compliance with all the regulations. In this new and evolving era for the maritime world and with increasing regulations bringing everyone into a unified way of working, it means greater attention to detail in these areas is essential for smooth operations. This now means more attention has to be paid to the recruitment and training of the person who is the DPA.
Download this White Paper: The role of a DPA White Paper
And the final White Paper is called Compliance Still the Key to Success, which suggests that low sulphur fuel is not the only solution but compliance with it will remain the key to the success of the IMO sulphur cap. The introduction of the cap at the start of 2020 has driven the maritime industry into new ways of working: in simple terms it was to be out with the old polluting heavy fuel oils and in with the new environmentally more acceptable very low sulphur fuels. It was a long process to achieve agreement and even longer for ship owners to come to terms with the operational and financial implications. But with the COVID-19 pandemic paralyzing world trade for months, the real question now is whether the shipping world’s commitment to the cap has been derailed.
Download this White Paper: Compliance still the key to success White Paper
CEO, Sunil Kumar, believes these new White Papers by GMCG Global provide some profound insights and initiate interesting debate for everyone in the maritime world.
He commented, “There is no doubt that the global shipping industry is looking at new ways of operating as the human element of the industry is so vulnerable and affected by the pandemic. We have taken a great interest in both the human and technology aspects of the maritime sector because together they are the cornerstones of its success. These White Papers by GMCG Global have been written to generate debate and offer guidance to enable us all to come to terms with the maritime world post-pandemic.”